Payments Applied

Available Routes

get {API Key}/v1/paymentsApplied

Data Format

Field Name Type Description
id number Unique ID for the payment applied record (Bill4Time Generated)
paymentId number id of the payment
invoiceId number id of the invoice
amountApplied number payment amount applied to the invoice
dateApplied date date the payment was applied to the invoice
dateCreated date date the payment applied record was created

Usage Examples

Find all payments applied
get{Api Key}/v1/paymentsApplied
Find payments applied with id = 457
get{Api Key}/v1/paymentsApplied?$filter=id eq 457
Find all payments applied on or after January 1st, 2017
get{Api Key}/v1/paymentsApplied?$filter=dateApplied ge '2017-01-01'