
Available Routes

get {API Key}/v1/clients

Data Format

Field Name Type Description
id number Unique ID for the client (Bill4Time Generated)
customId text Unique ID for the client (User Generated). Normally the same as id
clientName text Name for the client
billingName text Name for the client as will appear on invoices
address1 text Address line 1 of the client
address2 text Address line 2 of the client
address3 text Address line 3 of the client
city text Client's City
state text Client's state
country text Client's Country
postalCode text Client's postalCode
phone text Client's phone number
mobile text Client's mobile phone number
fax text Client's fax number
email text Client's email
accountManagerId number User ID of the account manager for the client
accountManagerName text Full name of the account manager for the client
status text Status of Client.
  • Active
  • Disabled
clientType text Type of client
creationDate datetime Date that the client was created
billingRateType text Billing rate type for client. Rates are either flat rate or per employee.
billingFlatRate text Billing rate for client as long as the billing rate type has the value 'FLATRATE'
overtimeBillingFlatRate text Overtime billing rate for client as long as the billing rate type has the value 'FLATRATE'
customFields json JSON object containing custom fields (not searchable).
ledesClientTaxId text Ledes tax id of the client.
currencyCode text Currency code of the client.
currencySymbol text Currency symbol of the client.
acctIsolation text Client account isolation level
  • Client
  • Project

Usage Examples

Find all clients
get{Api Key}/v1/clients
Find client with id = 751
get{Api Key}/v1/clients?$filter=id eq 751
Find All Active Clients
get{Api Key}/v1/clients?$filter=status eq 'Active'
Find All Active clients created after January 1st, 2017
get{Api Key}/v1/clients?$filter=status eq 'Active' AND creationDate gt '2017-01-01'