
Available Routes

get {API Key}/v1/users

Data Format

Field Name Type Description
id number Unique ID for the Users (Bill4Time Generated)
fname text User's First Name
mi text User's Middle Initial
lname text User's Last Name
email text User's Email Address
address1 text Address line 1 of the User
address2 text Address line 2 of the User
city text Users's City
state text Users's state
postalCode text Users's postalCode
country text Users's Country
homePhone text Client's home/personal phone number
officePhone text Client's work phone number
mobilePhone text Users's mobile phone number
userType text User Type
  • System Admin
  • Office Admin
  • Standard User
  • Limited User
  • Financial User
status text Status of Users.
  • Active
  • Disabled
department text Department of the user
dateOfBirth datetime Users's Date of Birth
billingRate number Standard Billing rate for the User
overtimeRate number Overtime Billing rate for the User
doubleRate number Overtime Billing rate for the User
payableRate number Contractor/Payable Billing rate for the User
payableRateOvertime number Overtime Contractor/Payable Billing rate for the User
ledesTkprClassification text LEDES timekeeper classification for the User
ledesTkprId text LEDES timekeeper id for the User
position text Position of the user
customFields json JSON object containing custom fields (not searchable).

Usage Examples

Find all users
get{Api Key}/v1/users
Find user with id = 2
get{Api Key}/v1/users?$filter=id eq 2