Trust Accounting

Available Routes

get {API Key}/v1/trustAccounting

Data Format

Field Name Type Description
id number Unique ID for the trust record (Bill4Time Generated)
amount number amount of the trust record
dateCreated date date the trust record was created
dateTransaction date selected date of the trust record
checkNumber text Check Number of trust record
description1 text trust record description
description2 text trust record description
clientId number id of the client for the trust record
clientName text Name of the client
projectId number id of the project for the trust record
projectName text Name of the project
bankAccountId number bank account id on the trust record
bankAccountName text bank account name on the trust record
isPayment boolean indicates that the record is a trust payment
isTransfer boolean indicates that funds were transfered from one trust account to another

Usage Examples

Find all trust records
get{Api Key}/v1/trustAccounting
Find trust record with id = 457
get{Api Key}/v1/trustAccounting?$filter=id eq 457
Find all records created on or after January 1st, 2017
get{Api Key}/v1/trustAccounting?$filter=dateCreated ge '2017-01-01'